
Bạn thường thấy những từ thú vị được ẩn trong ô chữ để thể hiện chủ đề của nó, nhưng nếu là cả một câu chuyện thì sao?

Crossword ngày 30/8/2023 của The New York Times cho chúng ta cả một câu chuyện khi bạn đọc hết clues across từ đầu đến cuối. Hãy cùng thưởng thức câu chuyện được tác giả Alex Eaton-Salners đặt trong ô chữ này nhé. (Các clues cho across đều là dạng “fill in the blank” – bạn hãy lấy đáp án để điền vào chỗ trống cho câu chuyện)

Once ___ a time, : UPON

not so ___ ago, : LONG

___ was a girl named Ava. : THERE

Ava’s ___ joy was : SOLE

her prized ___. : OBOE

She had ___ her skill in band, : HONED

despite sitting next to the noisy ___, : CLARINETS

which were an ___ distraction. : ADDED

One day, after school, Ava called a ___ : LYFT

It hadn’t come ___ as she muttered, : YET”,

I guess. At least the week’s over.” : TGIF

She was ___ with her music, : BORED

and school was hardly an ___. : EDEN

Just then, Dana, a bandmate Ava was crushing on, walked up lugging a ___. : TUBA

As Ava ___ nearby, gathering her courage, : IDLED

Dana bent down to ___ the heavy instrument. : STOW

Ava ___ at Dana. : SMILED

“Would it be a stretch to say I dig your ___ T-shirt?,” Ava asked. : YOGA

Dana’s reaction was the start of an ___ for Ava. : ERA

Wheezing laughter like an ___ in an old tire and deep blushing : AIRLEAK

were ___ that Dana was smitten, too. : SIGNALS

“That was a ___ joke!,” Dana sputtered. : RAD

“I got the shirt from ___; glad you like it.” : EBAY

Ava mustered every ___ in her brain : NEURON

and felt her heart ___ as she blurted, : SKIP

“I’d love to hang out some time, no ___!” : LYING

Dana grinned. “Then meditating together in corpse pose ___ an option!” : ISNT

Ava wrinkled her ___ and laughed. : NOSE

After that spark, the pair bonded in large ___. : DOSES

Dana learned that Ava loved chocolate ___ cookies, : CHIP

and Ava learned Dana loved “Much ___ About Nothing.” : ADO

Though Dana wanted to visit Timbuktu in ___ : MALI

and Ava preferred Accra in ,___ : GHANA

the pair still felt the ___ of their connection. : RIGHTNESS

One night, after watching Python,” : MONTY

bingeing subtitled dramas from ___, and : ASIA listening to Nat King ___, : COLE

Ava and Dana shared their first kiss over cream ___. : SODAS

And, of course, ___ lived : THEY

happily ___ after.___ : EVER

Quả thật là một ô chữ xuất sắc và thú vị!

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